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Nick Hornby
In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin
Erik Larson
Heavenly Hydrangeas: A Practical Guide for the Home Gardener
Joan Harrison
The Uninvited Guests
Sadie Jones
Smashed: Story of a Drunken Girlhood - Koren Zailckas Okay, finally made it through this book. Part of the blurb on the cover states..."what it means to be an average teenage girl in America." So I guess I shouldn't have been surprised at how average this memoir was. I felt like I was reading a teenage girl's diary. and then we went to a party and I got trashed and passed out. then I went to a semi-formal, got trashed and passed out. then I went to a frat party, got trashed, and passed out. This goes on for 7 years. In addition to the tediousness of it all, she's not very likable. She's a mean girl who can't seem to understand why she can't hold on to friends. She frequently blames this on her drinking or their drinking but I think part of it is just that she's an angry mean girl.