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Currently reading

Nick Hornby
In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in Hitler's Berlin
Erik Larson
Heavenly Hydrangeas: A Practical Guide for the Home Gardener
Joan Harrison
The Uninvited Guests
Sadie Jones
The Mountain Between Us - Charles Martin Schmaltzy romance, a Lifetime movie can't be far behind. Dr Ben Payne and journalist Ashley Kno are thrown together after their small chartered plane crashes in the mountains in the High Uintas Wilderness,in Utah, killing their pilot. The setting is described as one of the most remote places in the US. Ashley has a broken leg, Ben just some broken ribs, so it's up to him to get them out of there. Fortunately, both are athletes in superb condition. In addition, Ben's hobby is mountain climbing and he was an Eagle Scout. So, a little different than if you or I crashed in the middle of nowhere. My favorite character was the dog (surprise, surprise), a Jack Russell terrier who belonged to the pilot. He was a tough little fellow. It is a quick read and the author's description of the area was well done, so you could really picture them on the mountain. Ben speaks to his wife via a tape recorder he has with him and alludes to a fight they had prior to his trip. He can't forgive himself for things he said to her, which he won't share with either Ashley or the reader. His dialogues are a little over the top and I can't actually hear anyone saying them. "I hurt when I'm not with you. I ache in places I didn't know my heart went." There's more but you get the point !